Thinking of filing a domestic violence case against your spouse? Here are a few things you can do to help your lawyer prove your claims and get you the protection you need:
Take Plenty of Photos
Taking photos is one of the best ways to make sure that your lawyer has the proof they need to establish that you've been the victim of domestic abuse at home. In the days and weeks leading up to filing your domestic violence case, photograph any physical damage that you suffer from because of the abuse as it happens. You should also take pictures of any damage that is done to your belongings or home that occur from the abuse. Have the pictures developed and make copies of them so your lawyer can keep a set and they can submit a set to the court. Store the originals in a safe place where your spouse won't be able to find them.
Maintain a Written Diary
While preparing to file a domestic violence case against your spouse, take some time each evening to write down the events of your day that can lend credence to your case in some way. Reflect on the correspondence you've had with your spouse throughout the day and focus on any mental, physical, or emotional abuse that may have been experienced. Any instance of abuse during the day should be listed, each accompanied by a short explanation of the situation. Keep your notes in a diary or paper notebook of some kind so you can present the information to your lawyer and they can use it as a resource when preparing your case.
Stick to the No Contact Order
Your lawyer will likely recommend that you file for a restraining or no-contact order against your spouse to minimize the abuse until your domestic violence case gets settled. Once a no-contact order has been put into place, it's extremely important that you follow it. If you allow your spouse to violate the order without reporting it, the court may question your claims of being in fear of your abuser. Make sure a friend or family member facilitates communication between your spouse and the kids, so you don't have to get involved. Don't take phone calls or answer the door if your spouse comes calling – instead, report them. Sticking to the restraining order will show the court that you're serious about keeping yourself protected.
These tips and tricks should be easy to utilize, and they can make a positive impact on how effective your lawyer is when it comes to proving your domestic abuse case. For more information, contact local professionals like Cragun Law Firm.
You walk into your favorite grocery store and right away, you slip and fall only to sprain your ankle. You can't perform your job because it requires standing on your feet all day, which means that you can't make any money to support your family while your ankle heals. There was no warning that the floors were wet after being cleaned in the store – so what do you do? It's probably a good idea to think about filing a personal injury lawsuit. Of course, anyone with experience with a personal injury case will tell you just how important it is to work with an attorney throughout the process. I'd like to share insight I've learned through three personal injury cases that I myself have had to go through in the past. I think the information on this website can help people like you, who need some personal injury guidance.