Getting hurt at work requires you to fill out an accident report to let your supervisor know what happened. If you need medical treatment, seek the help you need immediately if possible. When a medical provider states that you are not ready to return to work because of your injuries, you are supposed to receive a percentage of your wages while you are out recuperating. In some instances, your workers' compensation claim may be denied. If you didn't finish your paperwork, or you didn't respond to an inquiry in time, your workers' compensation carrier can deny you benefits until the situation is figured out. A workers' compensation attorney can help you get through an appeal and move forward to get your benefits.
When Paperwork is Incomplete
If you are initially denied workers' compensation benefits because of incomplete paperwork, it's important to make sure that your file is complete. It's possible that your employer didn't file your accident report in time or that you missed a form that needed to be filled out. Work with an attorney so that your application is correct and any potential blocks to receiving benefits are avoided.
Proving Your Injuries
Your workers' compensation claim may be denied if the insurance company doesn't believe your injuries are bad or if it is difficult to prove that your accident occurred. Go to medical treatment, and listen to the advice of your providers. If you are sent to a specialist, make the appointment and go to it. In order to prove the extent of your injuries, you need to have medical professionals who have witnessed your injuries and who state you are not able to work. If the accident is in question, be careful about continually telling the same story of what happened to avoid confusion.
As You are Healing
As you are recovering from your injuries, try not to go back to work before you are able to. Some people push through their injuries and force going back to work, only to have a setback early on. If you are in pain, tell your doctor. If something is too hard for you, be honest about it.
A workers' compensation attorney is there to help you navigate the process of getting your claim approved. If you are trying to appeal an initial claim, talk with an attorney who can help. You will get the guidance you need to get the benefits you deserve.
You walk into your favorite grocery store and right away, you slip and fall only to sprain your ankle. You can't perform your job because it requires standing on your feet all day, which means that you can't make any money to support your family while your ankle heals. There was no warning that the floors were wet after being cleaned in the store – so what do you do? It's probably a good idea to think about filing a personal injury lawsuit. Of course, anyone with experience with a personal injury case will tell you just how important it is to work with an attorney throughout the process. I'd like to share insight I've learned through three personal injury cases that I myself have had to go through in the past. I think the information on this website can help people like you, who need some personal injury guidance.