Can You Receive Compensation For Your Child's PTSD After A Car Accident?
It is common for those involved in a car accident to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder due to shock. A car accident can have a negative impact on children, in particular, with the actual accident and injury, the noise, the bright lights, and seeing others in distress. PTSD is not uncommon in kids in these situations. If your child was involved in a car accident and is dealing with symptoms of PTSD, you can potentially collect damages with a personal injury lawsuit.
Selling A House With Legal Help
Are you proud of yourself for buying your first fixer-upper house, successfully renovated it, and finding an interested buyer shortly after the work was completed? Before rushing into giving up your possession of the home, be sure that the selling process is done in the proper manner. You don't want to sell a house and end up in a situation that leaves you with certain responsibilities unknowingly, which can easily happen if you don't pay attention to what is written in sales documents.
Getting Pet Issues Settled Before Marriage
Many divorcing couples find out the hard way how the law views pets. Pets are still considered property – a throwback to the days when cattle and horses were part of the holdings of a family. Even though the way we think about animals as pets has changed, the law survives and couples that divorce may find the presence of a pet to be a huge area of contention. It doesn't have to be that way, however, so read on and find out how this issue can be addressed in a peremptory fashion.
Benefits Of Hiring A Probate Attorney For Your Estate
You most definitely should hire the services of a probate attorney to handle your will and estate planning and especially so in the event you should die intestate. While the subject of dying might not be your most favorite thing to talk about, it just makes sense to have a will that details your wishes. A probate attorney uses your will to make sure that your estate is handled with dignity.
Defending a DUI Criminal Defense
Did you get drunk and decide to sleep in your vehicle rather than driving it home and possibly causing a collision? Although you may have had good intentions, in many states it is against the law to be in possession of a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, even if it is parked. If you were awakened by a police officer and taken to jail for such an incidence, it can have various consequences that might not be in your best interest.