Don't Deal With a Personal Injury On Your Own

Don't Deal With a Personal Injury On Your Own

  • It's Raining Accidents

    You don't need to be a physics major to understand that you cannot come to a stop as quickly on roads that are slippery and wet. Some people, however, seem to disregard the wet and dangerous conditions and end up getting into a wreck. Each person driving on wet roads has a responsibility to drive at a heightened level of care, but wrecks naturally occur when drivers follow too closely, make turns too fast, or get distracted by the rain.

  • Who Is Liable For Injuries From A Wrong-Site Surgery?

    Hospitals have procedures in place to prevent wrong-site surgeries. Unfortunately, they still occur. Patients can be left with injuries that require extensive medical care. If you underwent wrong-site surgery, here is what you need to know. Is the Hospital Liable? Whether you can hold a hospital liable for a wrong-site surgery depends largely on if the surgeon was considered an independent contractor (IC). Depending on your state's laws, the hospital might not be liable if the surgeon was simply renting the operating room space to perform the procedure.

  • Factors That Can Cause A Truck Driving Accident

    If you were injured in a trucking accident, then you may be concerned about getting money from the trucker's insurance company to pay for your medical bills, pain, and loss of income. While claims and settlements are similar to car accident ones, there are many extra factors that are considered when it comes to trucking accidents. Keep reading to learn about some of them.  Rest For The Driver If for some reason the trucker who hit you did not follow the law in terms of rest and how much sleep they were supposed to get, then you may have a stronger case against the truck driver.

  • 4 Actions to Take While Preparing for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

    If you have determined that you are going to need to file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy protection, you need to be careful about the financial decisions that you make leading up to your bankruptcy, as these choices can impact your case. #1 Get Credit Counseling Right Away First, as soon as you decide that you know you want to move forward with the bankruptcy process, you need to obtain credit counseling.

  • Two Reasons Your Mechanic Is Not Responsible If Your Car Is Damaged In Their Posession

    You probably haven't given much thought to having your mechanic driving or keeping your car while it's being repaired. Many people assume that if something happens, the shop will have insurance to cover everything. However, it's not that simple. Many shops have a "hold harmless" clause in their paperwork or a sign in their shop reducing their liability. If an accident happens in the shop, or while the mechanic is driving your car, then it may be your insurance company that pays for damages, not the shop.

  • About Me

    Don't Deal With a Personal Injury On Your Own

    You walk into your favorite grocery store and right away, you slip and fall only to sprain your ankle. You can't perform your job because it requires standing on your feet all day, which means that you can't make any money to support your family while your ankle heals. There was no warning that the floors were wet after being cleaned in the store – so what do you do? It's probably a good idea to think about filing a personal injury lawsuit. Of course, anyone with experience with a personal injury case will tell you just how important it is to work with an attorney throughout the process. I'd like to share insight I've learned through three personal injury cases that I myself have had to go through in the past. I think the information on this website can help people like you, who need some personal injury guidance.