How To Share The Road With Cyclists
In a car-bicycle accident, the cyclist is likely to come off much worse than the motorist. As a motorist, this provides you with an extra incentive to be careful while sharing the road with cyclists. Here are some safety tips to use while sharing a road with cyclists: Avoid the Bike Lane at All Costs If you are using a road with bike lanes, stay out of it at all costs.
2 Reasons To Hire A Medical Malpractice Attorney
One of the worst things that can happen when you visit the doctor is that something goes wrong and leaves you injured or permanently disabled due to negligence, incompetence, or a simple mistake on the part of the doctor. Thankfully, there are medical malpractice attorneys available that can help you get the compensation that you deserve after such a horrendous experience. Listed below are two reasons to hire a medical malpractice attorney.
3 Reasons Why Hiring A Workers Compensation Attorney Is Vital
Have you been injured while at work? Are you finding it much more difficult than you imagined to receive compensation for your injuries? Although most employers in the US are required to offer some form of workers compensation for their employees, it's not always easy to get your claim processed. Whether the matter is relatively simple or whether the injury will require you being put on long-term disability, you still should be getting the money that you deserve.
Things That Slow Down The Auto Accident Claims Process
You're probably eager to get the ball rolling on getting reimbursed for losses resulting from an accident. But the process can be quite lengthy. Here are some of the bottlenecks that may slow down the insurance claims process. Not Knowing What to Do When you or the other driver isn't sure who will take care of what, the miscommunication can slow down the investigation. Even if you have agreed that the other driver will follow an insurance claim, follow up if you don't hear back within the first 48 hours.
The Pros And Cons Of Hiring A Social Security Disability Attorney For The Initial Application
If you are unable to work due to a disability, you may be preparing to file for social security income, or SSI. In order to do this, an initial application will need to be filed and submitted. Based on this initial application, your case will either be accepted or denied. If it is denied, you have the option of appealing the decision. Because you have the option of appealing a denial, many people wait until their claim is denied before hiring an attorney to help them.