Did You Drive Under The Influence? Know The Potential Consequences
If you've been recently arrested for a DUI, you are well aware of the upcoming battle in court that you'll have to go through. DUIs are issued in situations where a driver operates their vehicle while using alcohol or a drug that impacts their ability to drive. Once arrested, you'll have to show up in court to defend yourself, hopefully with a great lawyer that has plenty of experience with DUI charges.
4 Reasons To Hire An Employment Attorney
One of the things you may deal with at some point in life is having problems on the job. This is never ideal because you'll need to make a living. Stressing less and being able to enjoy life will largely depend on your career. However, there are some employment issues that may arise and knowing some of the top reasons to hire an attorney is sure to be helpful. Reason #1: Wrongfully terminated
Three Advantages Of Sharing The Contents Of Your Will With More Than Your Executor
Many people put together the ideas for their final will and testament, have an attorney who specializes in this subject matter put together a legally binding document, and then share the contents of the will with their executor. Afterward, this person may tuck the will into a safe area and not think about it again. This approach can work, but if you're working on your will, you might wish to share the contents of this important document with those whom you include in it.
What to Consider When You Enter a Partnership With a Close Friend
If you plan to enter a partnership with a close friend, you may think it's unnecessary to draw up a contract or file the appropriate legal forms for your business. Although it might not seem like the right thing to do, it's important to protect your interest in the business. If issues arise during your partnership, they can potentially cause conflict between you and your partner. Here are things to think about when you enter a partnership with a close friend.
When The Police Don't Need A Search Warrant To Gather Evidence
Most people know that the police need search warrants to search their properties for criminal evidence. However, you may not know that the need for search warrants doesn't apply to all cases; there are situations in which it's perfectly legal for the police to search your property without a warrant. Here are some of those situations: The Evidence Was In Clear View A search warrant only applies to evidence that the police wants to search for or evidence that they suspect may be in your house, but not evidence that they can plainly see.